How To: Plan for Pollinators!

The decline of pollinators in our country is a well known fact. 

Wasps, moths, native bees, honeybees and hummingbirds for years now have been adversely affected due to pathogens, parasitic mites, pesticides and lack of proper habitat to thrive in.  One third of all food we eat is here because of pollinators.  One third!   This blog is just a friendly reminder to keep these pollinators in mind when planning your garden for 2021!  Create a bed or two just devoted to providing food for pollinators.  Stagger bloom times so there are blooming plants from spring to fall.  Choose plants that are native to your area and avoid the use of pesticides.

Photo: Pexels 

Here are a few plant suggestions for Saskatoon and surrounding area (Zone 3b)  that pollinators love:


Calendula, marigolds, Victoria salvia, nastursiums, cosmos, snapdragons, heliotrope, sunflowers, zinnias, lantana and impatiens. 


Fennel, dill, borage, oregano, lavender


Gaillardia, campanula, liatris, coneflowers (Echinacea), yarrow, alpine asters, monarda (bee balm), scabiosa, columbine, delphinium, hollyhocks, salvia sp., joe pye weed, spiderwort, thrift, blue flax and phlox paniculata.

Goldenrod with its yellow bloom  is one of the most important grassland plants on the prairies.  It is visited by at least 40 species of insects in late summer and fall.


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