There are thousands of varieties of desert cacti that come in all shapes and sizes. Many varieties have spines that are actually modified leaves.They not only provide some shade for the plant but also protect it from predators.The spines come from small bumps called aeroles, which also produce branches and flowers...
With the holiday season winding down, you may be asking yourself the age old question, “what do I do with my poinsettias?” The short answer is to either relegate it to the compost pile or keep it as a houseplant which is very do-able.
In September, the Saskatoon Parks Department confirmed they had found Dutch Elm Disease (DED) in six elm trees – three in Varsity View, one in North Park, and two in Westmount...
This fall give your garden beds a much needed makeover – new plan, new plants, new life!
September is a great time of year to lend your attention to garden bed rejuvenation!The soil is warm, the air is cool, and there are some great sales happening at your local garden centre.
Around mid-summer you may notice some of your flowering annual plants have become scraggly and leggy. To encourage those plants to bush out and produce a new flush of flowers, most annuals can be pruned back. I realize this strikes fear and trepidation into the hearts of new gardeners but trust me...
Along with growing a vegetable garden comes the possibility of vegetable insect pest attacks. Many of them love root vegetables while others prefer vegetables grown above ground...
Companion planting is a gardening method that intentionally uses different flowers, herbs, fruits and vegetables to create a beneficial relationship for all. No matter where you garden; on your deck, balcony or on an acreage, you can companion garden...
The month of April means SPRING and we are all excited to begin gardening outdoors! During April, the first thing most gardeners think about is their lawn. Right now, you probably have a bag or two of high nitrogen lawn fertilizer in your garage just waiting to be spread over the lawn to kick off the growing year in spectacular fashion. Once the snow melts, you might...
Setting up a terrarium is a fun creative project for plant lovers and miniature indoor garden enthusiasts. It brings in a touch of nature without taking up a lot of space in your home. Closed terrariums can be elaborate metal ‘greenhouses’ with glass walls...
Part of my February spring planning is deciding what varieties of tomatoes I am going to grow. One must consider many things; disease resistance, color, texture, slicing, paste, canning, size and most important – flavour...